
Sunday 17 February 2013

Cross-country train journey

A big part of the holiday was going across Canada on a sleeper train, which we spent three nights on. Originally the plan had been to get the train all the way from Toronto to Vancouver but I'm glad we changed plans and only went as far as Jasper then got a coach the rest of the way. It meant more time to enjoy ourselves in the Rockies and better views of the scenery to Vancouver. Still, travelling by long-distance train is great and doesn't compare to the trains you'd just use to commute to work or take a day-trip on. There was a very nice dining carriage with exquisite food, a fair amount of entertainment and a few stops en route. The worst part was having to stop often to let very long freighters (152 wagons, I counted on one) go past. The best part was sleeping in an upper bunk, being rocked to sleep by the train thundering along at high speed overnight.

Here's the amazing promotional video for the trip we did:

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